Datadog Webhook

New to setting up Transposit? Learn how to get started.

In addition to setting up API integrations between Transposit and Datadog, you can also use webhooks to send incident payloads from Datadog to Transposit.


Watch the Video

The quick video below outlines the steps you'll take in this section.

Define the Webhook

  1. Go to

  2. Click New Webhook.

  3. Provide a name in the Name field and set the below as the payload in the Payload field.

   "id": "$ID",
   "last_updated": "$LAST_UPDATED",
   "event_type": "$EVENT_TYPE",
   "title": "$EVENT_TITLE",
   "date": "$DATE",
   "org": {
       "id": "$ORG_ID",
       "name": "$ORG_NAME"
   "body": "$EVENT_MSG",
   "aggreg_key": "$AGGREG_KEY",
   "alert_cycle_key": "$ALERT_CYCLE_KEY",
   "alert_id": "$ALERT_ID",
   "alert_metric": "$ALERT_METRIC",
   "alert_priority": "$ALERT_PRIORITY",
   "alert_query": "$ALERT_QUERY",
   "alert_scope": "$ALERT_SCOPE",
   "alert_status": "$ALERT_STATUS",
   "alert_title": "$ALERT_TITLE",
   "alert_transition": "$ALERT_TRANSITION",
   "alert_type": "$ALERT_TYPE",
   "email": "$EMAIL",
   "hostname": "$HOSTNAME",
   "link": "$LINK",
   "logs_sample": "$LOGS_SAMPLE",
   "metric_namespace": "$METRIC_NAMESPACE",
   "priority": "$PRIORITY",
   "snapshot": "$SNAPSHOT",
   "tags": "$TAGS",
   "text_only_msg": "$TEXT_ONLY_MSG",
   "user": "$USER",
   "username": "$USERNAME"
  1. Define a Webhook in Transposit, select the Datadog template in the Prebuilt template drop-down, and then copy the Webhook URL into the URL field in your Webhook definition in Datadog.

  2. The prebuilt template gives you a default payload in Transposit, with extracted fields automatically mapped to alert fields, as shown below.

Useful links: